Written byJen Sutherland
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For our second booklist focusing on the many different types of families that make up our society, we have chosen to spotlight some our favourite texts that feature LGBTQIA+ mums, dads, brothers, sisters and everything in between.
The Pirate Mums
by Jodie Lancet-Grant
Billy’s mums are far from ordinary. They own a parrot called Birdbrain, use smelly old maps to navigate car journeys and like to entertain guests by singing sea shanties. Billy wishes his mums would tone down their pirate-y ways. But an eventful class boat trip helps Billy to see that his mums are brilliant just as they are.
Themes and links: pirates, boats/ships, identity, belonging
The Girl with Two Dads
by Mel Elliott
When Pearl finds out that the new girl at school has two dads, she is instinctively curious. This gorgeously touching and funny story follows Pearl as she learns about Matilda’s family and finds out that her dads, to her surprise, are just as boring as her own parents!
Themes and links: friendships, starting a new school
Julian at the Wedding
by Jessica Love
‘A wedding is a party for love’, we are told in this beautiful follow up to Julian is a Mermaid. Jessica Love’s stunningly vivid illustrations perfectly capture this sheer joy as we see the two brides, their friends and their family celebrate while Julian and his friend Marisol get up to all kinds of mischief!
Themes and links: friendships, love marriage/weddings, dressing up

Grandad’s Camper
by Harry Woodgate
The narrator of this gorgeous book loves snuggling up to her Grandad and hearing all about the adventures he and Gramps had travelling around in their camper van. But now that Gramps is gone, can she help Grandad to find enjoyment in his camper van once more? x
Themes and links: grandchild-grandparent relationships, love, bereavement, travel

The Last Firefox
by Lee Newbery
Charlie is worried that he’s not brave enough to be a big brother to the new sibling that his dads are planning to adopt.
But after a chance encounter leaves Charlie tasked with protecting and caring for a very unusual creature, he embarks on an epic adventure, finding his inner fire along the way.
Themes and links: adoption, bullying, friendships, animals, fantasy, bravery, arrival of a new sibling
The Accidental Diary of B.U.G
by Jen Carney
The hilarious world of
Billie Upton Green is brought to life through this brilliantly entertaining illustrated diary. It’s an exciting time in Billie’s life: her mums are soon to be married and there’s a new girl at school to show around! But when the new girl seems especially close to Billie’s best friend Layla, all kinds of drama begins to unfold.
Themes and links: adoption, friendships, parent-child relationships
Nothing Ever Happens Here
by Sarah Hagger-Holt
It seems like nothing really happens in the small town of Littlehaven. That is until Izzy’s life is turned upside down when her dad comes out as Danielle, a transgender woman. This heartwarming story follows Izzy and her family they get used to their new normal, experiencing both challenges and moments of joy along the way.
Themes and links: parent-child relationships, friendships, bullying
The Secret Sunshine Project
by Benjamin Dean
After Bea’s sister Riley comes out, the family spend a blissful day at London pride. A year on, things feel very different. Following the loss of their father, the girls and Mum have temporarily (and reluctantly) relocated to stay with Gran. But can Bea help to recapture the magic of Pride in a small countryside village and bring joy to her family once more?
Themes and links: bereavement, sibling relationships, grandparents, inclusion, financial insecurity, community
The above is just a small selection of the growing body of children’s books featuring LGBTQIA+ representation within families. We hope to continue to add to this list over time.
Next month: Our next book list will focus on representation of fostering and adoption within families. Please feel free to get in touch with any or your own suggestions for inclusion on this list by Friday 14th December at jen@literacytree.com or on X using @LiteracyJenS.
This book list was written in collaboration with Abida at Moon Lane Ink.
Posted in: Book Lists