Literacy Tree was launched across An Daras Trust after a successful trial in one of our schools. This partnership has not only transformed literacy outcomes but also introduced digital tools that have been seamlessly integrated into everyday teaching practices.
Literacy Tree's Teach Through a Text pedagogy, alongside their advanced digital platform, have supported the Trust’s mission of "Growing Curiosity and Growing Capabilities" with a holistic and technology-driven approach.
Formed in 2014 with two primary schools, An Daras Trust has expanded to include 11 schools across Devon and Cornwall by April 2024. With a focus on developing the whole child, the Trust’s capabilities framework, rooted in the Visible Learning School Improvement Programme, enables leaders to evaluate new initiatives based on research and evidence.
Literacy Tree was introduced by Amy Hooper, the Trust’s English Officer. After seeing the benefits of Literacy Tree's digital platform at St Stephens Community Academy, the Trust expanded its use across other schools. The platform’s user-friendly interface, online resources, digital curriculum maps, and interactive tools helped streamline curriculum delivery, making it easier for teachers to differentiate learning and engage children. Integration with our app enables teachers to annotate on the go, which is particularly useful for a trust comprised of smalls schools having to adjust for mixed-age classes.
Our co-founders Lynn and Anthony led an INSET across eight An Daras schools. The focus was on both text-based learning and how our platform can support continuous efficiency. Anthony, the trust’s designated Link Consultant, provided personalised guidance, helping teachers adapt to using the platform to its full potential.
Earlier this year, Deborah Saunders, Director of Learning at An Daras, presented to over 100 English Subject Leaders at our ESL meeting to showcase their implementation of Literacy Tree and outline the impact it’s had. The Trust is now recognised as a Literacy Tree Flagship Trust and serves as a Literary Lending Library for the Southwest, providing access to high-quality texts for other schools in the area.
An Daras school St Stephens Community Academy identified the need to improve pupils' literacy skills, particularly in reading fluency and writing quality. The Trust introduced Literacy Tree to foster a love for reading, enhance comprehension, and make writing more creative. This initiative aligned with the Trust’s focus on Visible Learning, promoting metacognition, self-regulation, critical thinking, and communication skills.
St Stephens, a school with 198 pupils, where 3.5% are EAL, 8.2% have EHCPs, and an additional 15% receive SEN support (with 55% of pupils either on alert for SEN or with EHCPs), embraced this curriculum shift. Furthermore, 41% of the student population receives Pupil Premium Grant (PPG), adding a unique set of challenges to the school's mission.
The school revamped its curriculum, focusing on diverse, high-quality texts selected for their rich language and thought-provoking themes. Cross-curricular links were strengthened with PSHE, SMSC, history, science, and geography. Teachers received regular, high-quality online and in person training from Literacy Tree, enabling them to lead whole-class reading discussions, creative writing lessons, and vocabulary-building activities. This was enhanced by access to our digital platform, which provided teachers with access to online resources, and interactive tools such as editable curriculum maps, and progression documents.
Through our online planning tools, teachers could adapt lessons more efficiently, ensuring each pupil received appropriate support. Teachers also benefited from ongoing professional development, with digital training modules and webinars integrated into our platform.
The results have been outstanding. Amy Hooper, English Subject Leader and Trust English Officer at St Stephens, noted that reading and writing skills across the school have significantly improved. Teachers are inspired by the texts they teach, and pupils are more engaged and enthusiastic in lessons. Even reluctant readers have gained confidence in reading aloud and discussing texts. Writing has become more expressive and imaginative, with pupils showing greater depth and creativity.
Ofsted, 2024, recognised the improvements, stating: “The school has a sharp focus on reading. Many pupils read for pleasure. The school’s curriculum is ambitious for all pupils.”
Boyton Primary School joined An Daras Trust in April 2024, after 18 months of working closely with the Trust. The school, judged "Requires Improvement" by Ofsted in 2022, serves a small, rural community with 19% of its students receiving Pupil Premium and 16% identified as SEN.
In Spring 2024, Boyton implemented Literacy Tree to reinvigorate its literacy curriculum. The high-quality, diverse texts selected for their rich language and inclusive themes helped reignite a love of reading and writing throughout the school. Despite the challenge of teaching multiple year groups in one class, Literacy Tree’s cleverly crafted teacher guidance and online mixed-age planning provided the structure and flexibility needed to support mixed-age classrooms. Online check-ins with Link Consultant Anthony ensured all teachers were equipped with understanding of the platform and how best to use it for their unique setting.
Katherine Davies, teacher at Boyton, highlighted how the platform revitalised her teaching:
" The impact has been significant! The texts are current, high quality, and promote diversity and inclusion. Through their richness, they inspire discussion, an expanding repertoire of Tier 2 vocabulary, and ultimately, children's enthusiasm for reading and writing. The approach has rekindled my love of teaching writing and reading – plus had a significant impact on pupil progress, inspiring children's life-long love of literature!"
Deborah Saunders, Director of Learning at An Daras Trust, reflected:
"We have built a positive professional relationship with Literacy Tree and value not only the training but also the opportunity for professional dialogue across our mixed-age settings. Literacy Tree has truly helped us foster a love of literacy in our pupils and bring diverse, high-quality texts into every classroom."