KS: R & KS1
Year Group: Year 1
Author(s): Oliver Jeffers
This is a Home Learning Branch for Lost and Found. These branches are designed to support home learners to access literature-based learning using a selection of books we love from Writing Roots. They include purposeful writing suggestions, links to the wider curriculum so that texts can be used across other subjects, key questions as well as spelling or phonics investigations.
A Writing Root is available for Lost and Found.
Character descriptions, retellings, advice letter, instructions, non-chronological reports
Own version ‘losing/finding’ narrative
15 sessions, 3 weeks
This is a three-week Writing Root using Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. Children enter the classroom to find a penguin with a sign hanging around his neck saying ‘I am lost’ before being introduced to the author, Oliver Jeffers. It would be a good idea to display a collection of his books within the classroom and book area for children to browse and to read several stories as part of Guided Reading and story time, particularly books containing the boy (Noah) from ‘Lost and Found’, e.g. ‘How to Catch a Star’, ‘Up and Down’ and ‘The Way Back Home’. Through the sequence of learning, children will write their own ‘found’ tags for other animals which turn up in the classroom, re-tell the story in their own words and write a sequence of instructions using consistent tense, detailed diagrams and numbers or words indicating chronological order. To finish, children will write their own version of a ‘lost and found’ story.
From the rising star of children’s picture books comes the magical tale of friendship and loneliness, a boy and a penguin. There once was a boy… and one day a penguin arrives on his doorstep. The boy decides the penguin must be lost and tries to return him. But no one seems to be missing a penguin. So the boy decides to take the penguin home himself, and they set out in his row boat on a journey to the South Pole. But when they get there, the boy discovers that maybe home wasn’t what the penguin was looking for after all.
This award-winning book is a beautiful tale of an unlikely friendship. It provides an enchanting space to discuss issues around friendship as well as making links to geography. There is also an animation that can accompany this book to support children’s learning. Oliver Jeffers MBE is an important, award-winning author and illustrator who children can continue to explore on their own or with their classmates.
Friendship, unusual friendships, habitats, oceans, penguins, polar animals, loyalty, perseverance, geography, links to different landscapes
Date written: April 2013
View Lost and Found Writing RootA Spelling Seed is available for Lost and Found.
This is a three-session spelling seed for the book Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. Below is the coverage from Appendix 1 of the National Curriculum 2014.
Spelling Seeds have been designed to complement Writing Roots by providing weekly, contextualised sequences of sessions for the teaching of spelling that include open-ended investigations and opportunities to practise and apply within meaningful and purposeful contexts, linked (where relevant) to other areas of the curriculum and a suggestion of how to extend the investigation into home learning.
There is a Spelling Seed session for every week of the associated Writing Root.
once, one, ask, come, some
New consonant spellings ph and wh
Words ending in -y (/i:/ or /I/)
Revision of the r-controlled vowels
Revision of the vowel digraphs ai, oi, ay and oy
Revision of the alternative graphemes for long e: ee and ea
View Lost and Found Spelling SeedKS: Lower KS2, R & KS1, Upper KS2
Year Group: Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6