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A Home Learning Branch for Peace on Earth


KS: Lower KS2, R & KS1, Upper KS2

Literary Theme: Coming together & community

Author(s): Smitri Halls and David Litchfield

Main Outcome(s):

Signage, poems, notes/ thought-bubbles/diary entries, blurb/publicity content, advert, mission statements/job applications/charters, slogans


10+ sessions, 2 weeks

Overview and Outcomes:

This is a two-week Writing Root for Peace on Earth by Smriti Halls and David Litchfield. Children will receive a special delivery of a box of gifts and explore the symbolism of these, using noun phrases. To support continuous provision and immersion of the themes, the children in EYFS and Year 1 have a space that is set up as a Peace Emporium, to which items and play opportunities (including developmental writing) are added as the Writing Root progresses. The book is then gifted to the children and poetic devices are explored before children go on to create poetry. The text is shared to the end and the main themes of falling out with friends and restoring peace are explored. Children then write about the book; create adverts/mission statements and eventually write a charter for peace for their own school. The sequence of learning can be concluded by holding a charter launch party where outcomes can be shared.

Synopsis of Text:

A heartfelt story about friendship, conflict, and the search for peace through poetic words and vibrant illustrations.


Coming together and community

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