£50.00 (inc. VAT)
With this Sample Pack, you will receive 3 weeks + worth of plans for each year group from Reception to Year 6.
✅ 7 full Writing Roots that feature award-winning books and authors (Years R – 6)
✅ Mixed-age Planning Suggestions for each Writing Root plan
✅ 6 full Spelling Seeds (Years 1 – 6)
✅ 5 full Literary Leaves, including a novel, a non-fiction book and poetry (Years 2 – 6)
✅ Samples of Progression Documents for all year groups
✅ Samples of RATE assessment materials
Our Sample Pack is refundable against a Whole School Membership if purchased within 1 term.
Please note all texts need to be purchased separately.
Writing Roots/Spelling Seeds
Y6 The Wind in the Wall
Y5 Curiosity
Y4 Frindleswylde
Y3 Small in the City
Y2 We are Water Protectors
Y1 The Sea Saw
R My Shadow is Pink
Literary Leaves
Y6 On the Move
Y5 Polar Bear Explorer’s Club
Y4 Viking Voyagers
Y3 The Lost Spells
Y2 Grimwood
Based in the Middle East? Check out our Middle East Trial Pack with titles suitable for your setting.