KS: R & KS1
Year Group: Year 2
Literary Theme: Bravery vs. Fear
Author(s): Katie Viggers
This is a 12-session Literary Leaf for A Book of Bears by Katie Viggers in which children investigate the subject of bears through retrieving information and making simple inferences to make intelligent guesses. They learn how to sort information into tables, match up facts and rank them.
We chose this book for a Literary Leaf as the subject is used in so many books and this is a wonderful example of an illustrated, narrative-style non-fiction book.
Discover the brilliant world of bears in this wonderful new book. Learn all about the eight different bears of the world, their likes, their homes and more. Who is the best climber and who is the fastest at catching fish? Expertly rendered in Katie Viggers' trademark charming and humorous style, this book is the perfect introduction to bears around the world.
Rabbit and Bear (Y2 Literary Leaf) The Goldilocks Project (which uses three versions of the story) and Bear Under the Stairs (Y2 Writing Root)
KS: Lower KS2, R & KS1, Upper KS2
Year Group: Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6