KS: Upper KS2
Year Group: Year 6
Literary Theme: Journeys & Migration
Author(s): Martin Howard
This is a 15-session Literary Leaf for A World Full of Journeys and Migrations by Martin Howard, covering all aspects of the Upper Key Stage 2 content domain. Children will explore the push and pull factors behind human migrations across the centuries, discovering the motivations and consequences of human movements to new places. Throughout the leaf children will discover the meanings of new words in context and join in with small group and whole discussions to share their views. There will be opportunities for children to form opinions based on their reading and share their responses in a variety of ways. Historical and geographical knowledge will be strengthened and children will develop their skills of inference, retrieval and prediction.
Why do people migrate? Who were the first travellers in history? And where will we humans travel to next?
Since the dawn of time, people have travelled to distant lands for many different reasons; to escape war, famine or injustice, to find work, or to simply see new sights and have an adventure. But everyone who migrates does it to seek a brighter future. A World Full of Journeys is an illustrated book which tells some of the most fascinating stories of migration throughout history. From the very first humans who left Africa almost 70,000 years ago and moved around the world, to immigrants welcomed to America at Ellis Island, this book is packed with fascinating tales of human triumph.
Migration, movement, journeys, countries, continents, geography, history
KS: Lower KS2, R & KS1, Upper KS2
Year Group: Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6