KS: Upper KS2
Year Group: Year 5
Literary Theme: Mystery & Truth
Author(s): Lisette Auton
This is a 17-session Literary Leaf for The Secret of Haven Point by Lisette Auton which covers all aspect of the Upper Key Stage 2 content domain. Throughout the series of lessons, children will engage in plenty of discussion around points arising in the text and use their conversations to gather evidence before recording their personal responses in Reading Response books. Children will analyse the behaviours and motivations of the main characters, as well as how they change as the story develops. They will also analyse the author's vocabulary choices, in particular relating to personification and their use of devices to create tension. The Leaf will finish with children discussing the themes the story covers and the lessons they have learnt through reading this gripping story.
Washed up as a baby beside a remote lighthouse and raised by a mermaid, Alpha Lux was the first foundling at Haven Point. Now the lighthouse is a ramshackle home for any disabled person who needs somewhere to belong. Looting from passing ships to make a living, they call themselves the Wrecklings, and for the children of Haven Point life is spent adventuring on the wild shore (and getting into trouble with the grown-ups). But when Alpha spots a strange light up on the headland, she realises that her beloved family are in danger of being discovered by Outsiders. With their home under threat, the Wrecklings must decide what kind of future they want . . . and what they're willing to do to get it.
Lighthouse, community, disability, family, home
KS: Lower KS2
Year Group: Year 4