£5.00 (inc. VAT)
KS: Upper KS2
Year Group: Year 5
Literary Theme: Mystery & Truth
Author(s): Sharna Jackson
Character Description, Police Report, Setting Description, Newspaper Article, Dialogue, Formal Persuasive Letter, Extended Narrative
Extended Narrative
15 sessions, 3 weeks
This is a 3-week Writing Root using High Rise Mystery by Sharna Jackson in which children use the text to explore a range of genres and styles of writing. In particular, children will learn about the techniques of writing a crime/detective story as they progress. The sequence of learning builds up to children planning and writing their own detective story using the author’s various techniques and structure yet innovating on the setting and the characters. One of the many strengths of this text is that it is aware of the various ways people communicate in modern life and the role technology plays. References will be made throughout to the more informal language of speech (whether it be through dialogue or texting) and the language of writing (whether it be through writing narration, reports or emails), laying the groundwork for developing this further in Y6.
The detective duo everyone is dying to meet! Summer in London is hot, the hottest on record, and there's been a murder in THE TRI: the high-rise home to resident know-it-alls, Nik and Norva. Who better to solve the case? Armed with curiosity, home-turf knowledge and unlimited time - until the end of the summer holidays anyway. The first whodunnit in a new mystery series by Sharna Jackson.
This novel is the first in a mystery series by Sharna Jackson which won the Best Book for Younger Readers award at the 2020 Waterstones Book Prize. As an advocate for diverse representation in children’s literature, the author’s cast of racially diverse characters and contemporary writing style will engage children with the murder-mystery genre and encourage them to read further books in the series.
Mystery, London, whodunnit, teamwork, adventure
Date written: July 2019
A Spelling Seed is available for High Rise Mystery.
This is a three-session spelling seed for the book High Rise Mystery by Sharna Jackson. Below is the coverage from Appendix 1 of the National Curriculum 2014.
Spelling Seeds have been designed to complement Writing Roots by providing weekly, contextualised sequences of sessions for the teaching of spelling that include open-ended investigations and opportunities to practise and apply within meaningful and purposeful contexts, linked (where relevant) to other areas of the curriculum and a suggestion of how to extend the investigation into home learning.
There is a Spelling Seed session for every week of the associated Writing Root.
amateur, achieve, apparent, attached, conscience, controversy, explanation, guarantee, harass, hindrance, symbol
Words containing the letter-string ough
Words ending in –ant, –ance/–ancy
Words ending in –ent, –ence/–ency
View High Rise Mystery Spelling SeedKS: Lower KS2, R & KS1, Upper KS2
Year Group: Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6