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Hannah Baker


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A Spelling Seed for The Seed of Doubt


KS: Lower KS2

Year Group: Year 3

Literary Theme: Dreams & Curiosity

Author(s): Irena Brignull

This is a Vocabulary Vine for The Seed of Doubt by Irena Brignull
A Vocabulary Vine is designed to be a sister resource to a Writing Root and Spelling Seed. It sits within our wider Teach Through a Text approach by explicitly identifying vocabulary from the book and providing additional opportunities for paired, small group and whole class experimentation with this vocabulary in context. Vocabulary Vines further complement spelling development too through exploration of the morphology (word structure) and etymology (origins) of words. They also provide oracy opportunities through a focus on talk tasks and on oral sentence construction. They are designed for short burst oral and vocabulary development

A Writing Root is available for The Seed of Doubt.

Writing Root Overview:


Poetry, future dreams and aspirations, setting description, letter of advice, paper aeroplane message, character description, speech

Main Outcome:

A motivational leaflet about future dreams and aspirations


15 sessions, 3 weeks

Overview and Outcomes:

This is a three-week Writing Root based around the book The Seed of Doubt by Irena Brignull. It begins with children discussing the importance of bring aspirational and dreaming about the future. Children will follow this with writing a poem about believing in one’s self. After this, they will discuss and write about different kinds of aspirations. They can explore jobs they might want to do, places they might want to travel to and any other accomplishments they may want to achieve in the future. Children will read and explore the language and themes of the book, discussing how people can cope with doubt, build resilience and overcome obstacles. This will lead to children to write a letter of advice, a paper aeroplane message and a motivational speech. Children will discuss the father in the story and write about the importance of mentors in life. The sequence will culminate in children receiving a letter/video message from the head teacher asking them to write motivational leaflets for the rest of the school about future aspirations and overcoming the seed of doubt. Children will use the vocabulary and skills learned in this sequence of lessons to plan and write this leaflet which can be published and displayed in the school lobby and potentially link to the school’s values.

Synopsis of Text:

A beautiful picture book about believing in yourself from the author and screenwriter Irena Brignull, with sumptuous illustrations by Richard Jones.  A little boy dreams of a world beyond the farm where he lives – a world full of mountain ranges, oceans and cities, where he could do anything. But one day he plants a seed from which doubts start to grow. Instead of thinking of all that he could do, he thinks more of what he could not. Can he overcome his fears and chase his dreams?

Text Rationale:

An allegorical story of aspiration and how a small seed of doubt can grow into something seemingly unmovable. But, with the right encouragement, this doubt can be overcome. The story explores the relationship between a boy and his father and how mentoring relationships are key to people achieving their dreams.  Inspiring and thought-provoking, written by an acclaimed author and screenwriter, the book encourages children to dream big and be curious about the world, with stunning illustrations by Richard Jones.   

Links and themes:

Aspiration, self-belief, encouragement, exploration, confidence, dreams

Date written: 

Coming soon









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Literary Leaves within the same Literary Theme

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