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Hannah Baker


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A Spelling Seed for Until I Met Dudley


KS: Lower KS2

Year Group: Year 4

Literary Theme: Invention & Innovation

Author(s): Roger McGough & Chris Riddell

This is a Vocabulary Vine for Until I Met Dudley by Roger McGough & Chris Riddell
A Vocabulary Vine is designed to be a sister resource to a Writing Root and Spelling Seed. It sits within our wider Teach Through a Text approach by explicitly identifying vocabulary from the book and providing additional opportunities for paired, small group and whole class experimentation with this vocabulary in context. Vocabulary Vines further complement spelling development too through exploration of the morphology (word structure) and etymology (origins) of words. They also provide oracy opportunities through a focus on talk tasks and on oral sentence construction. They are designed for short burst oral and vocabulary development.

A Writing Root is available for Until I Met Dudley.

Writing Root Overview:


Explanatory poster, letter, short explanatory paragraph

Main Outcome:

Two explanation texts - formal and informal


10 sessions, 2 weeks

Overview and Outcomes:

This is a two-week Writing Root using Until I Met Dudley by Roger McGough and Chris Riddell.  Children write their own explanation texts for everyday objects, inventing their own imaginary responses to the question of how they work, before researching and describing them properly.  They also write letters to a fictional ‘Dudley’ character asking for his help to get to the bottom of some more complicated items.

Synopsis of Text:

Have you ever wondered how a toaster works? Or a fridge-freezer, or a washing-up machine? In this fun-filled book of how things work, Dudley, the techno-wizard dog, provides the answers. Roger McGough's delightfully ingenious text and Chris Riddell's striking illustrations take children from the furthest realms of fantasy into the fascinating world of technology to discover the workings of familiar machines, making it an exciting book which will delight again and again.

Text Rationale:

Roger McGough is one of Britain’s best loved poets and his lyrical creativity shines through in this humorous techno-guide. Chris Riddell’s distinctive illustrations bring the text to life and let children in on the secret of how things work - real and imagined.  Providing obvious links to the DT curriculum, children will be engaged by the opportunity to design their own inventions and the text will fire up their imaginations for writing explanations for how they work.  

Links and themes:

Inventions, inventors, explanations, creativity

Date written: November 2016          Updated: December 2021

View Until I Met Dudley Writing Root

Literary Leaves within the same Literary Theme

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