What: Overview of the programme, live demonstration, and Q&A session to learn more about the offerings.
When: Fortnightly
Booking: See below
What: Half-day book-based training for each year group focused on our planning resource for writing: Writing Roots. Led by a Literacy Tree consultant, the training combines practical ideas with pedagogy, immersing participants in the book’s theme using our Teach Through a Text pedagogy.
When: Termly
Booking: See below
What: Half-day workshops focused on an area of Literacy Tree pedagogy. Supporting teachers with the knowledge needed to use the Literacy Tree plans effectively.
When: Termly
Booking: See below
What: 15 minute 1:1 planning sessions with a Literacy Tree consultant to support planning for the upcoming term.
When: Half-termly
Booking: School members emailed with booking link as dates are released.
What: Meetings to support English subject leaders. Sessions include key updates, author visits, a celebration of successes, and focused topical workshops.
When: Termly
Booking: See below
Suitable for: teachers trying to learn the ropes of school socials
Suitable for: Schools wanting to find out more about Literacy Tree
Suitable for: teachers wanting to enhance their Literacy Tree experience through the app
Suitable for: Teachers using mixed age planning in their classes
Suitable for: school leaders, ESLs and trust leads interested in our upcoming Writing Roots trial
Suitable for: KS2 Teachers looking to develop and embed language across the curriculum
Suitable for: Teachers implementing Spelling Seeds
Suitable for: school leaders, ESLs and trust leads interested in our upcoming Writing Roots trial
Suitable for: teachers wanting to develop confidence and expertise in assessing children’s writing
Suitable for: School member event - LitCos or Senior Leaders responsible for English/Literacy
Suitable for: School member event - LitCos or Senior Leaders responsible for English/Literacy
Suitable for: teachers new to Literacy Tree, looking to make the best start or a useful refresher for existing members.
Suitable for: school leaders, ESLs and trust leads interested in our upcoming Writing Roots trial