Posted on: 05/04/2024
In the second part of our How to Use series, we look at the Mixed-age Planning Suggestions (MAPS) . Mixed-age classes can be challenging for teachers, particularly when it comes to planning writing. This ‘how to use...’ guide gives teachers an outline of how our mixed-age planning can help and offers suggestions of how they can be implemented.
Literacy Tree Writing Roots provide sequences of lesson for teachers to follow. They offer a pathway through a quality text and ways to embed the end-of-year expectation of the National Curriculum in each year group. However, a growing number of Literacy Tree schools have mixed-age classes, which brings an extra challenge when adapting the Writing Roots for the needs of children.
Teaching a mixed-age class can be challenging. Teachers have to pitch a writing outcome so it is both accessible and challenging for adjacent year groups simultaneously in a lesson. As such, we have provided every Writing Root with Mixed Age Planning Suggestions. These have been thoughtfully designed to provide mixed-age class suggestions for each session in every Writing Root from Reception to Year 6.