KS: Lower KS2, R & KS1, Upper KS2
Year Group: Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Literary Theme: Hope & belief
Author(s): Chris Van Allsburg
An own version narrative (in the form of a retelling in a Christmas card for children in EYFS and Year 1)
5-10 sessions, 1-2 weeks
This is a one or two-week Whole School Writing Root for The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsberg and the film of the same name and The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore. Children are immersed in all things Christmas and winter before climbing aboard The Polar Express. They have several opportunities including role-play; writing Christmas cracker mottos or a verse for a Christmas card; creating labels or tags; making an advert; developing a narrative version of story; writing persuasively and preparing for and holding a debate.
This resource has been designed to be used by an entire school, phase or class to engender written outcomes – some with the same audiences and purposes, some not – that are ‘at pitch’ for each phase/stage but that will also aid revision, catch-up and extension where (and in whichever form) needed. We have planned for activities at different stages, grouped into key-stages: Reception with Year 1, Year 2 with Year 3 and then Year 4 to Year 6, or grouped simply into EYFS with KS1 and KS2. Where this is the grouping, there are opportunities for differentiation within to ensure that the pitch of sessions is appropriate. The resource is intended to form the basis upon which schools and teachers can create and shape a sequence of learning that will work well in their context. The sessions could be added to with art activities and through further learning in PSHE, science, geography and history.
Late on Christmas Eve, after the town has gone to sleep, a boy boards a mysterious train that waits for him: the Polar Express bound for the North Pole. When he arrives there, Santa offers him any gift he desires. The boy modestly asks for one bell from the reindeer's harness. It turns out to be a very special gift, for only believers in Santa can hear it ring.
Snow, winter, Christmas, trains, presents
KS: Upper KS2
Year Group: Year 5