KS: Lower KS2
Year Group: Year 4
Literary Theme: Unearthing Civilisations
Author(s): Lee Newbery
This is a 20-session Literary Leaf for The Last Firefox by Lee Newbery, covering all aspects of the Lower Key Stage 2 content domain. Children will follow Charlie and his new companion Cadno on a journey of bravery, friendship and discovery. They will make predictions about the characters and plot, make inferences about characters' behaviours and motivations and explore the impact of language choices on the reader. Through whole class and small group discussion, children will summarise key events and explore the themes arising within the text before writing a final review which could appear on the book cover.
Between bullies at school and changes at home, Charlie Challinor finds life a bit scary. And when he's made guardian of a furry fox cub called Cadno, things get a whole lot scarier. Because Cadno isn't just any fox: he's a firefox - the only one of his kind - and a sinister hunter from another world is on his trail. Swept up into an unexpected adventure to protect his flammable friend, Charlie's going to need to find the bravery he never thought he had, if he's going to save the last firefox . . .
Family, friendship, bravery, fox
KS: Lower KS2, R & KS1, Upper KS2
Year Group: Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6