KS: Lower KS2
Year Group: Year 4
Literary Theme: Darkness & Light
Author(s): Natalia and Lauren O'Hara
This is a Vocabulary Vine for Frindleswylde by Natalia and Lauren O'Hara
A Vocabulary Vine is designed to be a sister resource to a Writing Root and Spelling Seed. It sits within our wider Teach Through a Text approach by explicitly identifying vocabulary from the book and providing additional opportunities for paired, small group and whole class experimentation with this vocabulary in context. Vocabulary Vines further complement spelling development too through exploration of the morphology (word structure) and etymology (origins) of words. They also provide oracy opportunities through a focus on talk tasks and on oral sentence construction. They are designed for short burst oral and vocabulary development.
A Writing Root is available for Frindleswylde.
Letters, voting slips, dialogue, poetry, birds-eye view descriptions, persuasive speeches
Narrative sequel
16 session, 3+ weeks
This is a three-week Writing Root for Frindleswylde (Frin-duls-wild) by Natalia and Lauren O’Hara. Children begin by entering the classroom to find a mysterious crown symbol and message left in 'ice' on the window. After developing their prediction and inference skills through discussing who could have left the message, children begin exploring the characters, settings and plot of the story. They will write messages in role to Granny to describe what Frindleswylde has done to the cottage and take part in a decision alley to help Cora decide whether she should follow him through the ice pond to the world below. They explore the author’s use of figurative language and develop this to write poetry. As they continue the adventure into the frozen kingdom, children will practice how to show feelings through dialogue and write birds-eye view descriptions in role as the stork. Stepping into Frindleswylde’s frosty boots, they will write persuasive speeches using figurative language to convince Cora to stay with him. Finally, after unpicking the themes of the narrative, children will plan and write their own sequel – Frindleswylde Returns.
When the mysterious boy Frindleswylde enters Cora and Grandma's house in the woods, he steals the light from their lantern. Without it, Grandma will not be able to return home after work in the dark. Cora is determined to get the lantern back, but first she must follow Frindleswylde down a hole in the pond that leads to his magical frozen kingdom, where he sets her three Impossible Tasks. Frindleswylde is a wintry classic in the making...
This wintry fable is reminiscent of traditional fairy tales such as The Snow Queen featuring a cast of characters children will easily engage with. Although a picture book, the story is longer in length and complex in its plot which will create high levels of engagement and help develop stamina for reading. Filled with enchanting language and gripping twists and turns, the story will be sure to generate much opportunity for classroom conversation.
Winter, ice, frozen, magic, fairy tales, dilemmas, consequences
Date written: December 2022
View Frindleswylde Writing Root