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Resource written by

Pippa McGeoch

Senior Consultant

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A Vocabulary Vine for Flooded


KS: Lower KS2, R & KS1, Upper KS2

Year Group: Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Literary Theme: Coming together & community

Author(s): Mariajo Ilustrajo

Main Outcome(s):

Writing in role, including diary entries, dialogue, persuasive pleas and non-chronological reports


10+ sessions, 2 weeks

Overview and Outcomes:

This is a two-week Writing Root for Flooded by Mariajo Ilustrajo. The learning experience begins when the children discover that there is flood ‘water’ and that this is posing a threat to the inhabitants of a city. The text is shared and children explore the scenario from the perspectives of different protagonists through role-play, diary entries and other opportunities to write in role. The children are then supported to either thank/praise the problem-solvers, engage in the writing of a report about working together or, for the most experienced children in school, writing the report of the official inquiry into the flood and why things became so bad. 

This resource has been designed to be used by an entire school to foster a shared learning experience around one text and to engender written outcomes – some with the same audiences and purposes, some not – that are ‘at pitch’ for each phase/stage but that will also aid revision, catch-up and extension where (and in whichever form) needed. We have planned for activities at different stages through the sequence: grouped simply into key-stages EYFS, KS1 and KS2; or by grouping Reception with Year 1, Year 2 with Year 3 and then Year 4 to Year 6. Where grouping is by Key Stage, there are opportunities for differentiation within to ensure that the pitch of sessions is appropriate. The resource is intended to form the basis upon which schools and teachers can create and shape a sequence of learning that will work well within their context. The sessions could be added to with art activities and through further learning in PSHE, Science, Geography and History.

Synopsis of Text:

Flooded is the funny and beautifully illustrated tale of animals who live in a city that is ever so slowly flooding.

The flood comes gradually at first. 

All the animals ignore the obvious and go about their busy lives, disjointed from one another and preoccupied by their own problems.

Eventually, the flood water reaches a height that they can no longer ignore and they have to work together to save their city. 

All the animals join together in a line and pull out the plug that is drowning the city.

This is an exceptionally illustrated story that teaches a message not to let problems fester and with a little team work and community spirit, no problem is insurmountable. 


Team work, community, working together

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