KS: R & KS1
Year Group: Year 2
Literary Theme: Change & Relationships
Author(s): Owen Davey
This is a 12-session Literary Leaf for Fanatical about Frogs by Owen Davey. The Literary Leaf covers all areas of the KS1 content domain and asks children to sequence events, retrieve information, familarise themselves with technical language and make some very simple inferences.
We chose this book for a literary leaf as we adored the illustrations and layout. We think this is a wonderful example of engaging non-fiction where the illustrations play as much of a part as the text.
Did you know that there are over 4,000 known species of frog? Some are bigger than your dinner plate, while others are small enough to sit on your fingernail, and in between are just about every colour and size you can imagine!
Leap into this fascinating illustrated guide to the most diverse amphibians in the world, from the lumbering common toad to the beautiful but deadly poison dart frog. Find out where they live, what they eat and how we can protect them.
Life cycles and our natural world. This would beautifully complement Tadpole's Promise (Literary Curriculum planning sequence for Spring 2 in Y2) as it would support children's understanding of change and the theme of relationships and acceptance.
KS: Upper KS2
Year Group: Year 6